Výdrž 9cell battery 7200 mAh baterky v S96J
Výdrž 9cell battery 7200 mAh baterky v S96J
Mate nekdo tuhle baterku s vetsi kapacitou ? Jak dlouho vam vydrzi ? jaky je rozdil oproti standartni baterii ?
Barbone Wizard (Sasi ASUS S96J): Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T7200, 1024MB 667MHZ TRANSCEND CL5, TOSHIBA MK1032GSX 100GB 5400ot.,16MB, 2,5'' SATA, Mobility Radeon X1600 256MB VRAM, Intel Wireless 3945.
Tahle baterka ma o polovinu vetsi kapacitu, nez normalni baterka, ktera mi vydri cca 2,5 hodiny. Takze tahle baterka by mela TEORETICKY vydrzet 3,75 hodiny, ale zajimala by me spis praxe .. Samozrejme bych byl rad, kdyby to tech 5 hodin jelo .. Samozrejme zalezi na druhu prace ..
Barbone Wizard (Sasi ASUS S96J): Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T7200, 1024MB 667MHZ TRANSCEND CL5, TOSHIBA MK1032GSX 100GB 5400ot.,16MB, 2,5'' SATA, Mobility Radeon X1600 256MB VRAM, Intel Wireless 3945.
v recenzi na Z96J píší tohle:
With Notebook Hardware Control's maximum battery profile, 50% brightness, Wi-Fi on and Bluetooth off, the z96j barely passes 2hr 30 minute with its 6-cell battery. Supposedly, a battery life of around 3:30hr can be achieved with Wi-Fi off and 30% brightness. But under those settings, I only managed to get another 30 minutes of battery life. A 9 cell battery is available upon request from online vendors when configuring the z96j. With the 9 cell, the z96j achieves a battery life of roughly 5 hours. However, I did not opt for this upgrade since it sticks out the back of the notebook and adds unwanted weight.
http://www.notebookreview.com/default.a ... =Asus+Z96J
With Notebook Hardware Control's maximum battery profile, 50% brightness, Wi-Fi on and Bluetooth off, the z96j barely passes 2hr 30 minute with its 6-cell battery. Supposedly, a battery life of around 3:30hr can be achieved with Wi-Fi off and 30% brightness. But under those settings, I only managed to get another 30 minutes of battery life. A 9 cell battery is available upon request from online vendors when configuring the z96j. With the 9 cell, the z96j achieves a battery life of roughly 5 hours. However, I did not opt for this upgrade since it sticks out the back of the notebook and adds unwanted weight.
http://www.notebookreview.com/default.a ... =Asus+Z96J
ASUS S96J Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T5600, 1024MB 667MHZ TRANSCEND CL5, TOSHIBA MK1032GSX 100GB 5400ot.,16MB, 2,5'' SATA, Mobility Radeon X1600 256MB VRAM
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