Vlastni foto nemam, no intel Robson / TurboMemory modul vypada fyzicky zhruba takhle:
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Intel NANDCply - Intel(R) Turbo Memory Compliance Utility
1. Intel SATA RAID/AHCI Controller Presence Tests
1.1 Intel Chipset Detected.......................................PASS
1.2 SATA Controller Name.......................................ICH8MR
1.3 SATA Controller Mode at D31:F2:R90h[7:6]................AHCI MODE
1.4 SATA Controller SubClass Code (0x06) at D31:F2...............PASS
1.5 SATA Controller Chipset Revision............................Rev 3
2. Intel(R) Turbo Memory Module Presence Tests
2.1 PCI-Express NAND Caching Card Present........................PASS
2.2 Number of Intel(R) Turbo Memory Modules.........................1
2.3 Information for Intel(R) Turbo Memory Module(s)..............PASS
2.4 Intel(R) Turbo Memory Module(s) Information..................PASS
3. Intel(R) Flash Cache Logic Chip Interface Register Settings Tests
3.1 Intel(R) Flash Cache Logic Chip Register Information.........PASS
Installation Tests
4.1 $PnP Anchor String Present in 0xF000 Segment.................PASS
4.2 PnP Header Checksum Valid....................................PASS
5. BBS Enabled BIOS Tests
5.1 PCI BIOS Present (INT 1A, Func 0xB101).......................PASS
6. Intel(R) Turbo Memory Disk Filtering Option ROM (DFOROM) Tests
6.1 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Found in BIOS...................PASS
6.2 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Build Matches Card(s)...........PASS
6.3 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM FILT Header Check...............PASS
6.4 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM FILT Header Checksum Valid......PASS
6.5 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM FILT Header Version..............1.1
6.6 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Version...................
6.7 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Pre-INT19 Seg:Off.........CD00:0480h
6.8 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM BIOS Callback Seg:Off.....4000:CC1Ch
6.9 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM PCM Segment....................9B40h
6.10 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM TCM Segment...................6000h
6.11 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM TEM Address...............00220000h
6.12 BIOS Supports Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Interface........PASS
6.13 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Cached via MTRRs...............FAIL
6.14 PCM within EBDA..............................................YES
6.15 Main Memory Size < 639kB....................................PASS
7. System BIOS Tests
7.1 BIOS Updating INT 15h E820 Memory Map........................PASS
7.2 BIOS Reporting Correct Base Memory Size in 40:13.............PASS
7.3 BIOS is in AHCI Mode at ABAR + 04h[31].........................NO
8. Intel(R) Turbo Memory Module Interrupt Settings Tests
8.1 Intel(R) Turbo Memory Module 0.............................IRQ 11
tester_pedro píše:koukam ty mas i jinej chladic. tedy ta cast co je na cpu je cela z medi =-O to ja nemam. no asi to bude tim ze ja mam jen 1.8GHz. ty mas asi neco silnejsiho ne?
EDIT: MNO TY WOE!!! ja ho podle ty fotky taky nemam ale v systemu se mi hlasi =-O koukam na fotky co jsem udelal pri vymene RAM a ja tam mam presne to samy co MmLI, diru se sroubkem
Kód: Vybrat vše
Intel NANDCply - Intel(R) Turbo Memory Compliance Utility
Copyright(C) 2006, Intel Corporation - All rights reserved
Version [Jul 9 2007]
1. Intel SATA RAID/AHCI Controller Presence Tests
1.1 Intel Chipset Detected.......................................PASS
1.2 SATA Controller Name.......................................ICH8MR
1.3 SATA Controller Mode at D31:F2:R90h[7:6]................AHCI MODE
1.4 SATA Controller SubClass Code (0x06) at D31:F2...............PASS
1.5 SATA Controller Chipset Revision............................Rev 3
2. Intel(R) Turbo Memory Module Presence Tests
2.1 PCI-Express NAND Caching Card Present........................FAIL
2.2 Number of Intel(R) Turbo Memory ModuNo Supported Cards Detected!!
2.3 Information for Intel(R) Turbo Memory Module(s)..............FAIL
2.4 Intel(R) Turbo Memory Module(s) Information..................FAIL
3. Intel(R) Flash Cache Logic Chip Interface Register Settings Tests
3.1 Intel(R) Flash Cache Logic Chip Register Information.........FAIL
4. PnP Installation Tests
4.1 $PnP Anchor String Present in 0xF000 Segment.................PASS
4.2 PnP Header Checksum Valid....................................PASS
5. BBS Enabled BIOS Tests
5.1 PCI BIOS Present (INT 1A, Func 0xB101).......................PASS
6. Intel(R) Turbo Memory Disk Filtering Option ROM (DFOROM) Tests
6.1 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Found in BIOS...................FAIL
6.2 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Build Matches Card(s)............N/A
6.3 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM FILT Header Check................N/A
6.4 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM FILT Header Checksum Valid.......N/A
6.5 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM FILT Header Version..............N/A
6.6 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Version..........................N/A
6.7 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Pre-INT19 Seg:Off................N/A
6.8 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM BIOS Callback Seg:Off............N/A
6.9 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM PCM Segment......................N/A
6.10 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM TCM Segment.....................N/A
6.11 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM TEM Address.....................N/A
6.12 BIOS Supports Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Interface.........N/A
6.13 Intel(R) Turbo Memory DFOROM Cached via MTRRs................N/A
6.14 PCM within EBDA..............................................N/A
6.15 Main Memory Size < 639kB....................................PASS
7. System BIOS Tests
7.1 BIOS Updating INT 15h E820 Memory Map........................PASS
7.2 BIOS Reporting Correct Base Memory Size in 40:13.............PASS
7.3 BIOS is in AHCI Mode at ABAR + 04h[31].........................NO
8. Intel(R) Turbo Memory Module Interrupt Settings Tests
8.1 Intel(R) Turbo Memory Module 0................................N/A
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