UPDATE: 4.12.2007:
Pro ty, co nechteji crapware primo odinstalovavat, ale stejne by radi meli rychlejsi PC, mrknete se na tento odkaz, je tam vyborny navod jak vse vypojit a neohrozit pri tom chod pocitace (tj. vse se da pak pomerne jednoduse opravit):
Dalsim uzitecnym zdrojem je samozrejme i ceska stranka PC Tuning a zvlaste prehled Sluzeb Vist:
http://www.pctuning.cz/index.php?option ... mitstart=1
Urcite vsechny taky hodne stve obrovske mnozstvi zcela zbytecnych nebo trial verzi programu, se kterym si kupujete vase notasy, trefne oznacovaneho jako crapware nebo bloatware. Navic tyhle programy jsou vetsinou primo na recovery CD, takze pri dalsi reinstalaci se vraceji.
Existuje sice programek Decrapifier, ale nefunguje vzdy a vsude. No a rucne odinstalovavat pro nezkusene uzivatele je docela problem - nevedi co se vyhodit da a co ne.
Napiste prosim sem seznam crapware, ktery jste davali pryc z vaseho notase a jeho typ. Prosim uvadejte kazdou polozku, kterou jste odinstalovali. Nakonec se nam doufam podari dat dohromady nejaky slusny crapware list ke kazde znacce, ktery by mohl vsem hooodne usetrit cas.
Pro zacatek tedy:
Toshiba Sattelite Pro A200
list of crapware:
- Norton Internet Security 10 - 90denni trial
- Norton Security Center
- Norton Symantec Live Update
(nastesti Symantec ma na svych www uzitecny programek Norton Removal Tool pro pripad ze by se nepovedlo odinstalovat uplne vse)
- MS Office 2007 - trial
- MS SQL Server 2005
- Toshiba DVD player
- Toshiba Bluetooth Monitor
- Toshiba Disc Creator
- Ulead DVD MovieWriter for TOSHIBA
- Toshiba Value Added
- Toshiba Assist
- Toshiba Speech System
- Toshiba Connectivity Doctor
- Toshiba ConfigFree
- Toshiba dalsi (bohuzel toshiba dodava spoustu dalsich drobnych programku jako napr. Zooming Utility, Button support, Config free apod., ktere jeste nemam vsechny odinstalovane a nevim jeste presne ktere se daji bez problemu odstranit a ktere maji v sobe uzitecne drivery... postupem casu je sem pridam, zatim jsem se ale k tomu nedostal - kdybyste uz to nekdo udelal, dejte pls vedet!!!)
Lenovo (diky Ghost
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
- Norton Internet Security
- MS SQL Server
- MS Office trial
(informace ze stranek programku Decrapifier, ktere by mohly byt uzitecne nejen pro Dell):
AOL Install
Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI
Corel Photo Album 6
Corel Snapfire Plus SE (30 day trialware)
Corel WordPerfect
Dell Search Assistant
Dell URL Assistant
Digital Content Portal
Earthlink Setup Files
ESPN Motion
Get High Speed Internet!
Google Desktop
HP Rhapsody
Internet Service Offers Launcher
Microsoft Office Activation Assistant 2007
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007
Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
MS Plus Digital Media Installer
MS Plus Photo Story 2LE
MusicMatch Jukebox
MusicMatch Music Services
muvee autoProducer 5.0
NetZero Installers
Norton AntiSpam
Norton AntiVirus 2005
Norton Ghost 10.0
Norton Internet Security
Norton Internet Security
Norton Protection Center
Norton Security Center
Norton Symantec Live Update
(REM from Decrapifier webpage: If you are having difficulty removing Norton Symantec products with the PC Decrapifier, you may wan to try the)
Norton Removal Tool
Office 2003 Trial Assistant
Orange Internet
PC-cillin Internet Security 12
QuickBooks Trial
Quicken 2006 (Possible Trial Version)
Roxio Express Labeler (REM from Decrapifier webpage: This is a component of the Roxio Media Creator Suite. The "Express" edition is a trial or crippled version of the software.)
Roxio MyDVD LE
Roxio RecordNow
Sonic DLA (someone says its useful - see below)
Sonic RecordNow Audio (someone says its useful - see below)
Sonic RecordNow Copy (someone says its useful - see below)
Sonic RecordNow Data (someone says its useful - see below)
Sonic Update Manager
Tiscali Internet
Travelocity Gadget (REM from Decrapifier webpage: Link in the Vista sidebar that shows deals from Travelocity)
Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security 14
Wanadoo Europe Installer
Wild Tangent Games
Yahoo! Music Jukebox
Yahoo! Toolbar for Internet Explorer