Acer Aspire 5520 - flash biosu

notebooky Acer (Aspire, TravelMate) a vše kolem
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Příspěvky: 1
Registrován: 05 dub 2012 12:05

Acer Aspire 5520 - flash biosu

Příspěvekod premyslfranc » 05 dub 2012 12:07

Před časem jsem se mi nezdařil flash biosu na acer aspire 5520G. V průběhu flash z windows xp proces zamrzl, počítač jsem po hodině a půl shodil. Při opětovném pokusu o
nahození se dostavila pouze černá obrazovka bez odezvy. Periferní zařízení jsou aktivní. Následně jsem se pokoušel o blind flash z floppy. Pomocí uvedených postupů se mi povedlo
dostat notebook do fáze, kdy načítal z floppy, následně však opět "zamrzl". Zkoušel jsem různé verze biosů včetně toho, který tam byl původně, leč neúspěšně. Z HDD jsem vytáhl
zálohu biosu a log. Záloha má však příponu *.bak. Jedná se o původní *.WPH ? Budu rád za jakoukoli radu. Log přikládám

--- Log started: 05/19/07 14:14:57
Log file : D:\winphlash\winphlash\winphlash\PHLASH.LOG
Settings file : D:\winphlash\winphlash\winphlash\PHLASH.INI (found)
Executable : D:\winphlash\winphlash\winphlash\WinPhlash.exe
Version : Build : WinPhlash
Date : 5/19/2007
Resource file : D:\winphlash\winphlash\winphlash\PHLASHLC.DLL (loaded)
Help file : D:\winphlash\winphlash\winphlash\WINPHLASH.HLP
App name : Phoenix WinPhlash
OS Information : Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 - supported
isNT_AUTHORITY_SYSTEM_account: john_wu. => False.
gVBL_Flag = False(0h).
--- Log stopped: 05/19/07 14:15:05

--- Log started: 03/27/12 19:31:14
Executable : C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\WINPHLASH\WinPhlash.exe
Version : Build : WinPhlash
Date : 3/28/2012
App name : Phoenix WinPhlash
OS Information : Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 - supported
isNT_AUTHORITY_SYSTEM_account: Owner. => False.
gVBL_Flag = False(0h).

[03/27/12 19:31:15]
Preparation stage

Processing parameters...

Loading new BIOS image file...
Allocating 1053206 bytes...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 0...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 32768...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 65536...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 98304...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 131072...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 163840...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 196608...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 229376...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 262144...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 294912...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 327680...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 360448...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 393216...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 425984...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 458752...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 491520...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 524288...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 557056...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 589824...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 622592...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 655360...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 688128...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 720896...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 753664...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 786432...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 819200...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 851968...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 884736...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 917504...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 950272...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 983040...
Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 1015808...
Reading 4630 bytes from the file starting at 1048576...

Looking for interface descriptors and code...
cbSearch= 8192 (0x00002000)
cbSearch= 8192 (0x00002000)
BIOS image size is : 1048576 (0x00100000)
Descriptors and code size is: 4603 (0x000011FB)

Verifying interface descriptors and code...
Allocating 4748 bytes for interface data and code...
Copying interface data and code...
Looking for the part table structure...
Part table contains 4 device(s)...
Looking for part descriptor...
Looking for part descriptor...
Looking for part descriptor...
Looking for part descriptor...
Looking for the text descriptor table structure...
Looking for Text descriptor...
Device name : MX25l800 (001300C2)
Version label: ALPHA
Block info : 16X64K
Looking for Text descriptor...
Device name : PM25LV080B (0013009D)
Version label: ALPHA
Block info : 256X4K
Looking for Text descriptor...
Device name : W25X80 (001300EF)
Version label: ALPHA
Block info : 16X64K
Looking for Text descriptor...
Device name : EN25F80 (0013001C)
Version label: ALPHA
Block info : 256X4K
Looking for the platform descriptor ...
Looking for the keyboard table ...
Looking for the IBM table...
Looking for the nic descriptor ...
NIC descriptor signature "ZFNIC" wasn't found
Verifying the block table ...
4GB flash area is 100000 bytes: FFF00000-FFFFFFFF

Combine flags from the platform descriptor with flags from UI or command line
Platform descriptor flags : 00000000
UI or command line flags : 00004022
UI or command line masks : 01D121A6
Effective flags : 00004022
DMI update mode : 0
Stage completed

[03/27/12 19:31:20]
Analysis stage

Loading and initializing driver...
Installing and loading Windows NT driver: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\WINPHLASH\PHLASHNT.SYS
Initializing driver...

m_pbThisBase : e83278h
m_dwSize : 128ch
m_dwSizeFlashInt : 11fbh
m_dwSizeRomImage : 100000h
m_dw4GBStart : fff00000h
m_dw4GBSize : 100000h
m_bPartCount : 4h
m_pPartTable : e840a5h
m_pDeviceTable : e83309h
m_pPartDescr : e83299h
m_pTextDescr : e832c1h
m_pPlatform : e83339h
m_pBlockTbl : e83376h
m_pFixupTbl : 0h
m_pKeyboardTbl : 0h
m_pIBM : 0h
m_pNIC : 0h
m_dwPassword : 0h
m_pSLPTable : 0h
Get BIOS information from image file...

PhlashGetBiosInfo ... BCPSYS information:
Version : 3.3
Size : 131
Date : 5/6/2008
Time : 11:46:6
Part number: DEVEL97G(97G)
BCPDMI information:
Version : 2.11
Size : 40
OEM strings: 0
New BIOS :128ch, 11fbh, 100000h, fff00000h, 100000h, 4h

Get BIOS information from system...
BCPSYS information:
Version : 3.3
Size : 131
Date : 12/12/2007
Time : 18:13:23
Part number: DEVEL97G(97G)
BCPDMI information:
Version : 2.11
Size : 40
OEM strings: 0
BIOS image is not Axx swapped
Old BIOS :128ch, 11fbh, 100000h, fff00000h, 100000h, 4h
Stage completed

[03/27/12 19:31:27]
Get BIOS information from image file...

PhlashGetBiosInfo ... BCPSYS information:
Version : 3.3
Size : 131
Date : 5/6/2008
Time : 11:46:6
Part number: DEVEL97G(97G)
BCPDMI information:
Version : 2.11
Size : 40
OEM strings: 0
New BIOS :128ch, 11fbh, 100000h, fff00000h, 100000h, 4h

[03/27/12 19:31:28]
Combine flags from the platform descriptor with flags from UI or command line
Platform descriptor flags : 00000000
UI or command line flags : 00004022
UI or command line masks : 01D121A6
Effective flags : 00004022
DMI update mode : 0

Read system BIOS stage
Loading block #1...
Loading block #2...
Loading block #3...
Loading block #4...
Loading block #5...
Loading block #6...
Loading block #7...
Loading block #8...
Loading block #9...
Loading block #10...
Loading block #11...
Loading block #12...
Loading block #13...
Loading block #14...
Loading block #15...
Loading block #16...
Stage completed

Saving system BIOS backup file...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 0...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 32768...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 65536...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 98304...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 131072...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 163840...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 196608...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 229376...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 262144...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 294912...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 327680...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 360448...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 393216...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 425984...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 458752...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 491520...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 524288...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 557056...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 589824...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 622592...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 655360...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 688128...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 720896...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 753664...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 786432...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 819200...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 851968...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 884736...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 917504...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 950272...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 983040...
Writing 32768 bytes to the file starting at 1015808...
Writing 4603 bytes to the file starting at 1048576...
Stage completed
checkFfsValid ...

deCompressRomExec ... '_X00' found.
getBcpSysInfo(e85e20, 7b30) ... O.K.
deCompressRomExec ... '_X00' found.
getBcpSysInfo(e965a8, 7b30) ... O.K.checkFfsValid completed

Flashing new BIOS stage

Verifying BIOS checksum...
Skipped: feature disabled
Check if BIOS part numbers are the same
Passed Ok
SLP process begin
SLP case 4:Normal process.

Updating new BIOS image
Get DMI strings from UI or command line(mode=0)
BIOS ONLY MODE: new image + system DMI
Updating BIOS extended checksum...
Start flashing image
Calling driver to BEGIN flash

m_dwResult : 0h
m_dwFailedAddress : 0h
m_dwFailedResult : 0h
m_dwDeviceID : 0h
m_dwSize : 14342h
m_dwFlashCode : 0h
m_dwBlockDevIdx : 0h
m_dwBlockIndex : 0h
m_dwBlockCount : 12h
m_dwBlockAddress : 0h
m_wBlockAttribute : 0h
m_dwChunkSize : 0h
m_cMessage :
m_bFlashCmdLineFlag : 0h
m_cPlatformString :
m_dwNewBiosAddress : 1060020h
m_dwOldBiosAddress : 0h
m_dwBiosSize : 100000h
m_dwSLPFlashFlag : 0h
m_dwSLPMarker :
m_dwSLPMarkerSize : 0h
Map blocks in Block Table to Parts in Part table....

Block to be sensed: 0 at physical address: FFF00000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 1 at physical address: FFF04000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 2 at physical address: FFF14000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 3 at physical address: FFF20000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 4 at physical address: FFF30000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 5 at physical address: FFF40000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 6 at physical address: FFF50000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 7 at physical address: FFF60000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 8 at physical address: FFF70000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 9 at physical address: FFF80000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 10 at physical address: FFF90000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 11 at physical address: FFFA0000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 12 at physical address: FFFB0000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 13 at physical address: FFFC0000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 14 at physical address: FFFD0000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 15 at physical address: FFFE0000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 16 at physical address: FFFF0000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Block to be sensed: 17 at physical address: FFFF8000
Block IDs are zero so search for a matching device

Calling driver to sense device with ID: MX25l800 (001300C2)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 0

After calling driver with partIndex: 0
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: PM25LV080B (0013009D)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 1

After calling driver with partIndex: 1
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: W25X80 (001300EF)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 2

After calling driver with partIndex: 2
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)

Calling driver to sense device with ID: EN25F80 (0013001C)

Before calling driver with partIndex: 3

After calling driver with partIndex: 3
Driver returned ID(Manufacturing ID, Device ID): EN25F80 (0013001C)
Passed Ok

Start flashing block by block

Process the next block:
Block size : 12288( 3000)
Block address : FFF00000
Block attributes : 0022
Block image offset : 00000000
Calling driver to BEGIN current block processing
Retry Count = 1
Processing block 0

Calling driver to process attribute 02 starting at 0

Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 2000

Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 2000
Calling driver to END current block processing

Process the next block:
Block size : 65536( 10000)
Block address : FFF04000
Block attributes : 0022
Block image offset : 00004000
Calling driver to BEGIN current block processing
Retry Count = 1
Processing block 1

Calling driver to process attribute 02 starting at 0

Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at F000

Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at F000
Calling driver to END current block processing

Process the next block:
Block size : 40960( A000)
Block address : FFF14000
Block attributes : 0022
Block image offset : 00014000
Calling driver to BEGIN current block processing
Retry Count = 1
Processing block 2

Calling driver to process attribute 02 starting at 0

Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 9000

Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 9000
Calling driver to END current block processing

Process the next block:
Block size : 65536( 10000)
Block address : FFF20000
Block attributes : 0022
Block image offset : 00020000
Calling driver to BEGIN current block processing
Retry Count = 1
Processing block 3

Calling driver to process attribute 02 starting at 0

Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at F000

Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at F000
Calling driver to END current block processing

Process the next block:
Block size : 65536( 10000)
Block address : FFF30000
Block attributes : 0022
Block image offset : 00030000
Calling driver to BEGIN current block processing
Retry Count = 1
Processing block 4

Calling driver to process attribute 02 starting at 0

Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at F000

Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at F000
Calling driver to END current block processing

Process the next block:
Block size : 65536( 10000)
Block address : FFF40000
Block attributes : 0022
Block image offset : 00040000
Calling driver to BEGIN current block processing
Retry Count = 1
Processing block 5

Calling driver to process attribute 02 starting at 0

Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at F000

Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at F000
Calling driver to END current block processing

Process the next block:
Block size : 65536( 10000)
Block address : FFF50000
Block attributes : 0022
Block image offset : 00050000
Calling driver to BEGIN current block processing
Retry Count = 1
Processing block 6

Calling driver to process attribute 02 starting at 0

Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at F000

Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at F000
Calling driver to END current block processing

Process the next block:
Block size : 65536( 10000)
Block address : FFF60000
Block attributes : 0022
Block image offset : 00060000
Calling driver to BEGIN current block processing
Retry Count = 1
Processing block 7

Calling driver to process attribute 02 starting at 0

Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 20 starting at F000

Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 0
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 1000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 2000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 3000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 4000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 5000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 6000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 7000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 8000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at 9000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at A000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at B000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at C000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at D000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at E000
Calling driver to process attribute 80 starting at F000
Calling driver to END current block processing

Process the next block:
Block size : 65536( 10000)
Block address : FFF70000
Block attributes : 0022
Block image offset : 00070000
Calling driver to BEGIN current block processing
Retry Count = 1
Processing block 8

Calling driver to process attribute 02 starting at 0

občas něco napíše
Příspěvky: 31
Registrován: 20 kvě 2012 12:42
Bydliště: Tachau

Příspěvekod PeITeeR » 20 kvě 2012 16:24

Ja kdyz to takhle dodrbu, tak se ridim tímhle postupem a zatim vzdy uspesne. Akorat to je fakt opruz. Jinak s tim nejake hlubsi zkusenosti nemam.

píše často
Příspěvky: 269
Registrován: 18 črc 2009 19:20
Bydliště: v zamestnani, u notebooku, pod pritelkyni...
Kontaktovat uživatele:

Příspěvekod vanilka » 20 kvě 2012 17:45

ja to vzdy resil vypajenim SPI a flashnuti v externim programatoru + nahrazeni jinou z KO motherboardu (samozrejme ze stejnyho modelu).
rework (reflow, reball) BGA IC
DELL Precision M70 s WUXGA 1920x1200, FX Go1400, 2 x fan a 2 x HDD
BGA rework stanice ACHI-IR-PRO-SC

Zpět na „notebooky Acer“

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