Má někdo zkušenosti s tímto notebookem?
https://www.alza.cz/asus-rog-g551jm-dm1 ... 426985.htm
Žádné moc info jsem o něm nenašel.
ASUS ROG G551JM-DM181H kovový
tu mas recenziu G551JW s GTX 960M http://laptopmedia.com/review/asus-rog- ... olete-yet/
Predator 15, MBP 13 Early 2015, T410, Apple iPad 9.7 (2018), Kindle Fire HD 8
Viac menej ano. Este je dost mozne, ze miesto displeja LP156WF4-SPH1 od LG tam budes mat displej 156HL01-102 od Samsungu. Vid http://laptopmedia.com/review/asus-rog- ... -and-sound alebo http://laptopmedia.com/review/asus-rog- ... -and-sound
Este mozes pozriet recenzie tu http://www.notebookcheck.net/Asus-GL551 ... 872.0.html s GTX 850M a tu http://www.ultrabookreview.com/5574-asus-g551jm-review/ s GTX 860M.
Este mozes pozriet recenzie tu http://www.notebookcheck.net/Asus-GL551 ... 872.0.html s GTX 850M a tu http://www.ultrabookreview.com/5574-asus-g551jm-review/ s GTX 860M.
Predator 15, MBP 13 Early 2015, T410, Apple iPad 9.7 (2018), Kindle Fire HD 8
Ja by som bral skor ten LG (sice mensi gamut ale presnejsie zobrazenie farieb a bez PWM). Ten Samsung vraj moze blikat ale nemal som takze neviem posudit a zatial sa tu nikto nestazoval.
Kazdopadne je to jedno lebo vybrat si ho nemozes. Maximalne tak mozes vratit konkretny kus a skusit stastie s inym.
Kazdopadne je to jedno lebo vybrat si ho nemozes. Maximalne tak mozes vratit konkretny kus a skusit stastie s inym.
Predator 15, MBP 13 Early 2015, T410, Apple iPad 9.7 (2018), Kindle Fire HD 8
Na g551 vraj throttluje grafika pri plnej zatazi.
http://laptopmedia.com/news/asus-rog-g5 ... rformance/ http://laptopmedia.com/review/asus-rog- ... mperatures
It has come to our attention that the GPU inside (GTX 960M) throttles during long gaming sessions or, if the load is near to 100%, the event occurs after just a couple of minutes. The sensor is set to underclock the graphics processor when it reaches 74°C leading to really low performance. We are talking about a big decrease – from 1176MHz (maximum operating frequency) to around 500MHz. So keeping the internals cool might be a challenge for you and the notebook will underperform. We would look more into the matter and will try to contact ASUS’ customer support for comment.
http://laptopmedia.com/news/asus-rog-g5 ... rformance/ http://laptopmedia.com/review/asus-rog- ... mperatures
Predator 15, MBP 13 Early 2015, T410, Apple iPad 9.7 (2018), Kindle Fire HD 8
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