Ionor píše:Zatiaľ Lenovo s výnimkou Thinpadu W701 nemá na trhu displej s pokrytím farebného priestoru sRGB, čo dá aj stolný displej za 4-5000czk.
s vynimkou Dreamcolor2 u HP a mozno Premiercolor u Dell-u nie je v notebookoch displej schopny konkurovat desktopovym monitorom za 250 eur. za tu sumu sa uz da kupit monitor s S-IPS lcd panelom. ked si vezmem, ze W701 sa u nas tusim nepredaval pod 3000 eur...
FullHD widegamut vo W510 je ten isty displej ako FullHD widegamut vo W520. podla diskusii na NBR a je to vraj tento
inak k tym widegamut notebookovym displejom jedna trefna poznamka:
I was investigating about that gamut and quality thing and finally I can tell you where is the "but".
It is all about that "gamut" word. Professional grade monitors mean by gamut "gamut coverage", but mainstream and low-end manufacturers mean by gamut "gamut volume". If you seriously work with photography, or pre-press, you probably working in sRGB, A-RGB or NTSC. If lenovo tell you that they have 95 % NTSC, it is not mean they cover 95 % of NTSC 3D gamut model, but that the volume of 3D model on their screen is 95% of volume of gamut NTSC 3D model. Yes, that mean, that this has no relation what so ever with the gamut coverage, so theoretically you can have 100% volume gamut, and the screen cannot reproduce a single one color of that gamut. The reason why manufacturers are doing this is simple - marketing - the numbers are bigger. This also solve the miracle when on anandtech you can see 120% gamut monitors etc. Then people here are disappointed that the colors are oversaturated, ugly, non-real etc. They are there, but they are wrong.
inak W510 za 41tisic vs 8560w s IPS za 45tisic by som volil HP. Lenovo bude mat maximalne o nieco vykonnejsi procesor (ak je to konfiguracia s i7-820QM vs i7-2630QM u HP), grafiku vyrazne slabsiu (FX 880M vs FX 2000M) a vydrz je slaba u oboch.
W530 s Ivy Bridge bude najskor o rok. W520 sa u nas zacal predavat cca pred 2 mesiacmi.