T400 a sroby
Napsal: 14 zář 2009 21:49
Čaute som tu novy, mám otazku ohladom srobov pouzivanych v TP.V service manuály spominaju, ze su použivané nylonom potiahnuté(nylon coated) sroby, ktore sa mozu pouzit iba raz. To znamená, ze ked ich odsrobujem tak ich mam vyhodit a pouzit novy? Ked ano tak kde presne sa daju objednat nove?
Ide presne o tuto pasaz: (posledny bod)
Screw notices
Loose screws can cause a reliability problem. In the ThinkPad computer, this problem is addressed with special nylon-coated screws that have the following characteristics:
They maintain tight connections.
They do not easily come loose, even with shock or vibration.
They are harder to tighten.
Each one should be used only once.
Za odpovede vopred diki!!
Ide presne o tuto pasaz: (posledny bod)
Screw notices
Loose screws can cause a reliability problem. In the ThinkPad computer, this problem is addressed with special nylon-coated screws that have the following characteristics:
They maintain tight connections.
They do not easily come loose, even with shock or vibration.
They are harder to tighten.
Each one should be used only once.
Za odpovede vopred diki!!